The Career Narratives Blog

Craft Your Narrative | Advance Your Career

For mid and senior-level MBAs moving up and into roles with greater responsibility and impact.

How To Explain a Blip in Your Career ā€” Most People Have Made a Career Mistake career strategy interviewing recruiting

So you've had a misstep at some point in your career, and you're getting ready to interview for a new job. How do you explain it?

Whether your "career mistake" was a poor job choice (or choice of boss for that matter) or a project or professional relationship that didn't go as well as you might...

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How to Get a Clearer Understanding of Work Culture When Recruiting for a Job interviewing recruiting

Have you ever worked in a company and felt like it was a bad fit?

The work culture of your employer and your direct supervisor and peers can be among the primary factors determining your job and career satisfaction. If there’s a mismatch, you’ll know it. And you’ll likely...

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