The Career Narratives Blog

Craft Your Narrative | Advance Your Career

For mid and senior-level MBAs moving up and into roles with greater responsibility and impact.

How Important are Mission and Meaning to You at Work? career strategy mission self-assessment

When you think about being mission-driven, you may imagine ā€˜making the world a better placeā€™ or ā€˜helping peopleā€™ by working for a non-profit. Thatā€™s an idea that many of the people I coach have when I first meet them.

The truth is, you donā€™t have to work at a non-profit to be mission-driven. You ca...

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How to Advance Your Career When You Donā€™t Have a Lot of Time networking productivity

If thereā€™s one thing thatā€™s consistent about the lives of the people I coach, itā€™s that theyā€™re ā€œbusy.ā€

Iā€™m sure your life is busy, too.

Iā€™ve read a lot in the productivity world about the overuse of the word busyĀ and its status as a misguided badge of honor. Whether busy is a reasonable term to u...

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Resources to Help You Focus, Manage Your Work Effectively, and Save Time productivity

You have less time than you think to get the important work in your life done, so you need to get focused, manage your projects and tasks effectively, and find ways to save time wherever you can.Ā Iā€™ve written about the scarcity of time, and Iā€™ve suggested that a first step to getting a handle on the...

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Why Your Important Work Isn't Getting Done productivity

How often have you gotten to the end of your day or week only to realize that the work you consider to be most important stillĀ isn't done?

Based on the experience of the people I coach, Iā€™m willing to bet the answer is: almost every week.

Not the best feeling is it?

And what does ā€œimportantā€ mean...

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3 Questions To Ask About Mission Before You Decide to Work in a Non-Profit mission self-assessment

I need to be doing something more. I want to make the world a better place. I want to help people.

As a career and executive coach with a background that includes working in and with mission-driven organizations, I hear some version of those statements practically every week. Clients often seek me ...

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How to Get a Clearer Understanding of Work Culture When Recruiting for a Job interviewing recruiting

Have you ever worked in a company and felt like it was a bad fit?

The work culture of your employer and your direct supervisor and peers can beĀ among the primary factors determining your job and career satisfaction. If thereā€™s a mismatch, youā€™ll know it. And youā€™ll likely be unhappy.

The problem i...

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Focus on What Happens After the Interview to Get the Job interviewing

If youā€™re like many of the people I coach, you put a lot of time and energy into preparing for (and worrying about) what might happen during a job interview.

Youā€™re probably thinking about all of the potential questions your interviewer might ask ā€” which could be about almost anything.

Preparing f...

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The 3 Things You Must Have to Network For a Job or Your Career networking series

In this multi-part series on networking strategy, I've written about the key insights I picked up as an executive recruiter at a top 20 firm.

Recruiters are, by necessity, professional networkers. They need to get it right. And while you're not a professional networker, you need to get it right, t...

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Build Confidence When Youā€™re Networking for a Job by Setting Attainable Goals networking series

Networking can beĀ scary.Ā 

And it can be hard to know where to start. It can be even harder to keep your networking going and then keep up with it.

In this series on networking strategy, Iā€™ve tried to reduce your stress levels by sharing perspective I gained as a recruiter at a top 20 executive se...

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You Donā€™t Need to Feel Guilty When Youā€™re Networking for a Job networking series

Guilt is a great motivator.Ā You eat a cookie. You feel guilty. You go to the gym.

Itā€™s not like Iā€™m speaking from personal experience.Ā 

Guilt is also a great demotivator.Ā Especially when it comes to networking. So many people Iā€™ve worked with as a career and executive coach worry that theyā€™ll be ...

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